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Kneadatite Green Stuff Blue/Yellow Two-Part Epoxy Putty Tape

Price: $26.95
Item Number: KN-23
Manufacturer: Kneadatite
Kneadatite Green Stuff Blue/Yellow Two-Part Epoxy Putty Tape :
How to use:

To achieve optimum adhesion, repair surfaces should be scuffed and/or lightly sanded and cleaned free of grease or dirt prior to application. Wear impermeable gloves when handling or mixing uncured material

Side-by-side tape: Cut or twist off a length of tape and mix by kneading with damp fingers to a uniform color. Any length contains the correct ratio of base to curing agent. Apply within 1 hour of mixing.

Bars: Cut or twist off 1 part blue curing agent to 1.5 parts yellow base. Mixing proportions can be adjusted to control cure time and hardness: more blue produces a faster, harder cure; more yellow results in a slower, softer cure. Mix by kneading with damp fingers to a uniform color. Apply within 1 hour of mixing.

Blue/Yellow has a 1 to 2 hour work life, Functional cure occurs in 4 to 5 hours when Blue/Yellow can be drilled, sawed, carved, sanded, stained, and painted. Ultimate hardness is reached in 20 to 24 hours. Cured color is green.

         •  Putty-like consistency eliminates drips and runs for a "no mess" application.

No tools required for use.

         •  Mixes in minutes.
         •  Long worklife.
         •  Superior strength and flexibility.
         •  Paintable.
         •  No shrinkage; solvent and VOC-free.
         •  Solvent-resistant.
         •  Cures underwater.
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